Thursday, April 30, 2020

Design Best Practices of Network Operations Center

The Network Operations Center (NOC) is the central location for a data center for medium or large network monitoring efforts. Your NOC engineers use it to monitor and respond to network issues. NOC services provide an important link (usually in the form of a technician dispatched to a remote location) between finding a network problem and implementing a solution.

In many NOC operating centers (yes, the word "hub" has been repeated, but this helps to understand), 7x24x365 is open, which is not always the case. Some companies are in transition. Their network is large enough to invest in building a NOC center, but they cannot justify the cost of staffing outside regular or extended working hours. In this case, companies use alarms (via email or phone) after hours to notify call technicians on the network.

The main part of each NOC room is a central (or sometimes more) main console. This console accepts input from some, hundreds or even thousands of remote devices on your network.

When building your NOC from the ground up, avoid the many common pitfalls that can affect your performance.

You have to work very hard to ensure that all the alarms in your network can be integrated into a single integrated monitoring system. Otherwise, the difficulties associated with alarm monitoring and staffing requirements will increase. If you never have to monitor the most unfavorable monitoring systems, you can't really estimate how many problems there are. You need to turn your head, learn a lot of interfaces, and work hard to connect related alarms from different systems (these are broken by device compatibility, not by logical partitions like geography).

You should also make sure that any central console on your NOC network can filter bored alarms. Every network has its share of good alarms, but no real operator response is required. Much of this is included in your NOC, and how much you train your NOC technicians to ignore warning messages. A good LinkedIn console can hide unimportant messages from employees, making it the most important message on the list.

To learn more about NOC's requirements, it is helpful to review the example of devices now. I like to use the LNX T / MON center console because I've mentioned many.

The most useful thing about T / MON is the ability to learn algorithms (modern and old). At this point, the number is actually 25, which enables T / Mon to avoid the multi-screen headaches described above. All alarms can be stored in one central system so that computers can keep their employees busy.

T / MON can intelligently filter incoming alarm messages so that employees can focus on important alarms. You can configure the general rules used by T / Mon to make the decision to hide or display each new alarm message. In any case, D / MAN records all incoming alarms received in the Network Operations Center so that all alarms received after the event can be checked.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What Does Network Monitoring Watch?

To understand how network monitoring works, it is important to know the importance of networking for the organization. Networks are the cornerstone of any modern business, and recessions and gaps are expensive. Monitoring involves monitoring the entire internal network including equipment, traffic, and servers. This helps identify and resolve potential problems, thus preventing network problems. For almost all businesses, this monitoring is done using software systems.

Network monitoring systems are, at their core, tools that help administrators monitor their networks more efficiently. However, the specifics of the system vary greatly depending on the size and needs of the business.

Some examples of how network monitoring systems are changing are as follows:

Size and Scale: 

Some network monitoring systems are simple, ping hosts to check availability.
Some are built using a patchwork of various software and hardware. On the other hand, more sophisticated systems monitor all areas of the most complex networks with a single complete system.

Ease of use:

Interfaces vary greatly depending on the type and sophistication of the network monitoring system. While some only provide simple warning and command-based interfaces, others may provide a graphical user interface to improve functionality. Many modern network monitoring tools have web and mobile interfaces.

Automation: Basic monitoring systems depend on an administrator to view and perform results, but most companies are leaning toward automated systems that handle events themselves. These systems are designed to trigger events when network data goes out of defined parameters, eliminating the middle man, and improving response time to network errors.

An important aspect of network monitoring systems is that they are not security systems. While network monitoring is a useful tool for preventing network interruptions and slowdowns that leads to breach, network monitoring systems are not intrusion detection systems or prevention systems. While these other systems detect and block unauthorized access, the network monitoring system tells you how well the system performs during normal operation.
What does network monitoring do?

Choosing what to monitor with network monitoring software is as important as running your business. You can use network monitoring to track different areas of the network, but monitoring typically focuses on the following four areas:

That band bandwidth usage: Monitoring network traffic can help ensure that the amount of bandwidth used by your company and the efficiency of its use are running smoothly. You need to change the devices or programs that take up your bandwidth.

Performance App performance: Applications running on your network must work properly and network monitoring systems can ensure that they exist. Network monitoring systems can test the response time and availability of network-based databases, virtual machines, cloud services and more, ensuring that they do not slow down their networks.

Performance Server performance: Mail servers, web servers, DNS servers, and more are at the heart of many of the functions of your business, so it is necessary to test the availability, reliability, and stability of each server.

Configure Network Configuration: The network monitoring system can monitor many types of devices, including cell phones, desktops, and servers. Some systems have automatic discovery, which allows them to continuously record and track when devices are added, changed, or removed. These devices can differentiate devices based on their type, service, IP address, or physical location, which helps keep the network map up-to-date and planning for future growth.

Monitoring is not limited to just one type of network. Any level of complexity can be any network.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What is the Difference Between the Two: Help Desk and Service Desk

As with most things in the IT world, there are no specific rules that vendors must follow when naming their software, and these two terms are often used for products that offer the same functionality.

So even if the name can give you a point of reference, it's important to understand each other's goals and use the case to understand the important differences.

While everyone's scope is somewhat defined by the ITIL framework, it doesn't offer more practical advice on how to find the differences and everything.

What is the help desk?

Helpdesk enables IT departments to respond to unexpected problems in the IT infrastructure or services they provide. The Help Desk is a response and is used to manage problems, allowing them to capture them, track them, and (hopefully) resolve them eventually. Help desk focused to facilitate communication between support staff and end-users and help resolve issues and take care of things every day.

What is the service desk?

The help desk can think of a more strategic sibling than a help desk, which can do everything the help desk does but allows you to plan, create, and deliver a variety of IT services. Instead of responding to problems when they arise, it enables a more strategic approach to IT service management and acts as a single point of contact (SPOC) for all IT functions.

Service desks typically include services such as a service catalog, which formalizes the processes and resources required to provide certain services and allows them to request internal customers such as end-users or IT staff.

In a service center environment, communication remains not only between end-users and IT but also between internal IT communications.

Service desks can be broad in scope and allow companies to provide support services to the entire organization, including managing corporate services, including human resources, facilities, accounting, or legal department. It can also include other activities such as managing and controlling changes in business processes or infrastructure (change management).

What is a ticket system or problem tracking system and how are they different?

Now we are gray. Sometimes this term is used to describe software that has the same function as a help desk, but usually, this solution is reimplemented and its main function is "bug tracking" or developing projects for software development. Is management.

This system can be used to record, track, and resolve problems reported by end-users, although on a larger scale they are generally not the best solution for setting up a help desk or help desk special. The lack of additional service-oriented features, such as a knowledge base, service level agreement (SLA), or customer satisfaction survey, makes it less efficient than help desk service software. desktop, and ultimately is less efficient and more effective at being edited and managed. It's difficult.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Common Help Center Issues

Printer Issues

In general, stopping a machine and performing its operation solves many information technology-related problems. Unfortunately, restarting the device does not resolve all of the issues. A common problem facing businesses is adding printers to their networks. In a single named conference, it is difficult to determine if the printer is on the network. The first step in solving these problems is to use a detailed and simple name for your printer. MSP experts advise using a script to create a process to add printers automatically.

The system is very slow

Is your computer taking too long to execute? If so, the solution is easy. Run multiple programs at once and close some of them. Moreover, you can scan and update your computer in the background without your knowledge. Therefore, your computer will slow down. If you have a great IT support team, they will analyze and update after hours.

Your PC can be corrupted by viruses and malware. Therefore, disconnect your computer from the network and allow it to run in your IT help desk.

Lack of dedicated IT support staff

While discovering some common phone support problems and solutions, not hiring dedicated and experienced people can lead to problems. When it comes to IT, employees need to not only be motivated, but have a good understanding of their job. Some inexperienced helpline employees mislead the public on information technology issues. Professionals need to be able to respond effectively to all questions asked.

Slow internet

Anyone who connects to the Internet wirelessly needs to find the right place to receive the right signal. Signals are not always reliable in every corner of a building. Therefore, make sure you have enough routers to get the best internet connection.

Many people are unaware that opening multiple windows while browsing the Internet slows them down. In addition, users can detect malware while browsing. As an IT help desk, it's your responsibility to educate the public about your website, and it won't overload your browser without sacrificing internet speed.

The system will stop for no reason

Dust may collect on the system's cooling fans. If the cooling fan is blocked, you may not notice that your PC is hot. The system freezes as soon as it gets hot. Therefore, the role of IT support services is to protect all machines from dust and avoid a PC outage when someone is working.

A computer does not detect USB device

The first is to use a different USB port. In addition, you can use another USB device on your computer to see if it is a USB device or a PC port. If you have tried all the alternatives and nothing works, the next step is to consult your IT help desk for further troubleshooting.

Restore files

He fears when users lose important information. The Help Center's role is to provide users with the option to recover data. Some files believe that once a file is placed in the Recycle Bin it will disappear forever. However, if the file is not in the tank, the next option is to tell the user not to use the drive until the data is restored.

User cannot log in

A common issue is that users cannot log in to enterprise settings. The user may have left the Caps Lock button. Therefore, his password does not match. However, some users have logged out of the system due to inactivity. You may find that some company employees are busy working rather than working on social media. These people are banished from the company and explain their case to the employer.

5 Reasons to Use Cloud-Managed Wireless Services

Effectively managing wireless networks for small and medium businesses (SMBs) is critical, especially as the popularity of mobile devices in the workplace and frequent communication with WiFi-enabled devices. Cloud-operated wireless is nothing new, but its rapid growth over the last one or two years has led companies to upgrade their wireless networks and broadcast live on 802.9ac. Here are five of the many reasons your business uses cloud-managed wireless services:

Single point of administration

Cloud-managed wifi services provide a level of governance for cloud provisioning, troubleshooting, configuration, and firmware management. The ability to remotely monitor and troubleshoot, central configuration and firmware management, and a streamlined interface to access compliance records and historical data, is a game-changer for any business that uses an on-premises wireless local area network (WLAN). Benefits. Today. The operating system can be accessed through a web browser. The ID can track all access points (APs), see what devices are used to access the network, and monitor security incidents.

Cost savings

The cloud-managed wireless services subscription model provides monthly maintenance costs that are lower than the cost of capital for your business. Cloud delivery of services eliminates the obvious cost of deploying and storing traditional campus solutions and hardware (e.g., managed server tools, controllers).

Additionally, various techniques, patches, changes, and unexpected computer failures are eliminated and firmware updates are automated to reduce maintenance costs. Because of the ease of managing networks, SMBs with smaller IT staff and more than one location can free employees to focus on other projects.


As the company grows, so does the cloud-managed WLN. Additional controllers can be added or removed as needed. If the company adopts more cloud technology for future storage or applications, they can be integrated and managed into the cloud easily.

New APs can be automatically downloaded and downloaded to remote locations and brought online without site technicians. These services can support organizations with multiple locations and multiple APs from one location to one AP.

Improve security

Network sensors, software, and applications automatically detect problems and rogue APs. Automatic alerts are sent to network monitoring when a problem is detected. Additionally, important data is always protected as security and software updates are automatic.

Analyzing and Reporting

Get real-time analysis of security incidents or breakdowns and use customer feedback, reports, and data to improve business decision-making.

Today's businesses need consistent and optimal performance from their wireless network. Cloud-managed wireless services allow businesses of any size to integrate, manage, and optimize their WLANs. Cloud-managed wireless network solutions reduce costs, increase productivity, and increase your network security. All these benefits of cloud-managed wireless work can help you achieve your business goals and objectives as your needs change.

Friday, April 24, 2020

The Need for Security Operations Center (SOC)

The Security Operations Center (SOC) is responsible for analyzing, linking, and in-depth investigation of organizational data to identify and prevent threats as quickly as possible.

Since many companies think and do what they do, they buy SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) technology for relevant reasons and try to make it with an internal IT team. This step only works if you allocate a large budget to the Operations Center for Internal Security.

Although it seems very normal, creating your own SOC is not as easy as creating a website. Creating a SOC means you need a highly qualified team, exceptional software, and hardware infrastructure and high technology. Everything works around the clock, 365 days a week. You need to hire and train employees with the expertise of experienced specialists and software and hardware prices.

One of the most common reasons for a company to use a security operations center is to comply with legal regulations. In principle, all relevant regulations require the bell on security. When performing an audit, you can create an account with a monitoring tool log.

SOC cannot be used solely for compliance. This is essential for many other factors in your organization.

Check out the top five reasons why you should buy a Security Operations Center (SOC):

  1. Threat Cognizance
  2. Proactive Recognition
  3. Hardware and Software Responsiveness
  4. Vulnerability Control
  5. Log Administration

Over the years, data center companies have focused on developing the perfect types of modern infrastructure and cybersecurity plans. Potential costs include various security and network decisions that reduce the risk of infringement. It is noticeable that even the best-funded companies have been attacked, even if they invest a significant portion of their budget in cybersecurity. The situation will be worse for small and medium-sized businesses, as they also need security solutions, but their budgets do not allow them to invest in high-paying services. However, they also suffer from a significant shortage of cybersecurity experts.

Security Service Provider (MSSP) provides firewall services

Growing cyber-attacks and threats. It is important to protect your company's online assets and resources from malicious code and viruses. However, this is easier said than done. Protection processes take time and require in-depth technical expertise.

A Security Service Provider (MSSP) provides firewall services to respond to security threats and monitor your network activity. Choosing an MSSP can be difficult; Here's what to look for:

1. Analysis and conclusions

The service provider must submit analysis and reports on a recurring basis, with weekly or monthly comparisons. The report should cover the threats and possible attacks carried out last week/month and list the preventive measures taken (protection of networks from such attacks).

2. Features
The provider should offer program control to limit access to certain programs or specific functions in the programs. This is mainly done to improve employee productivity. The provider should also offer filtering of web content to make access to content harmful to employees. This can be done using a threat database.

3. Cloud configuration

If you decide on a cloud-based solution, make sure MSSP provides a continuous configuration and integration process. The provider should offer a wide range of capabilities, including Network Function Virtualization (NFV) to quickly configure industry standards; Securing demand; And multi-lease aircraft to protect and monitor all of your local area networks, using a single software.

4. Services included

Check what is included in the service. Is this just a simple web fireplace? Today, many providers offer more sophisticated services such as Sandbox, email protection, WiFi programs, configuration management, reporting and analysis, event management and security information (SIEM), and a web access portal for users. Make sure you get what you need and nothing else.

The service provider should provide you with user-friendly devices (CPEs) so that you can use multiple services (if necessary) without any problems. Some suppliers offer a hyper-virtual device, a very fast method of personalized services.

6. Backup and restore options

Check that backup system are available and restore settings. In the event of a major failure, you may need a backup system to restart your system. Most importantly, choose a service that offers a low recovery time target (RTO) - the maximum amount of time that the system has left in vain.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Things to Know About Managed Firewall Services

Effectively maintaining the company's firewall architecture provides an effective layer of protection against cybersecurity breaches and is the latest in many years of major breaches in the company.

There is a possibility data many companies recognize that firewalls are an important part of the perimeter of network security, but they are more efficient than keeping firewalls at the leading edge of the network and the Internet.

Inadequate firewall services may cause policy conflicts, impediments to the security provided, and network performance. However, most companies do not have the right resources to manage their firewalls internally. Therefore, for managed firewall solutions, we leverage Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs).

What is a managed firewall service? Why should you use them? Below is the information you need to know about managed firewall services and service providers.

1) The number of managed firewall services that can be stored

One of the first questions many business owners have about hiring a managed firewall service provider is "how much does it cost?" This is a completely natural question. But here's the best question: "How much can I save by using managed firewall services?"

In cost/benefit analysis, it is always important to assess the risk of using or ignoring a particular tool or resource. The risk is very high if you do not use a managed firewall solution.

Therefore, when evaluating the cost of a managed firewall service, consider the cost you would have if you did not have a well-managed firewall.

Another cost factor that you need to consider when considering a managed firewall solution is the cost of firewall maintenance that your business needs at home. Cybersecurity professionals are expensive to climb and train, and salaries can easily reach six figures per year before benefits. And given the shortage of qualified cybersecurity engineers, this is a job market, not an employer market.

2) Services provided by a managed firewall solution

When signing up for security services managed for firewall maintenance, it is important to know what type of firewall they offer. There are the following types of managed firewall services that MSSP can offer:

Firewall audit service. It is important for companies to regularly audit their firewalls for configuration errors and other issues affecting security and performance.

Firewall Configuration Service. Does MSSP help organizations select, install, and configure firewalls that are required to prevent malicious traffic?

Firewall monitoring and alerts. Does MSSP have firewall monitoring services to track current policy configuration and event logs? Does the MSSP have procedures to warn of major security incidents, such as ongoing breaches?

Co-managed firewall service. Instead of taking full responsibility for firewall management, the co-management model of firewall services also allows MSSP to work with teams to support and educate teams on the best aspects of firewall management.

When operating a managed firewall service, it is important to identify the services that MSSP provides.

3) Service level agreement that MSSP can define for firewall management

Service level agreements (SLAs) represent expectations for all types of managed security services. For managed firewall services, it is important to know the SLAs that service providers can meet:

How often the firewall rules are updated. MSSP can frequently check firewall configurations, adjust rules, remove old ones that conflict with business workflows, and protect new ones from threats

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Prevention solutions

Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Prevention solutions are key components of network protection that must be used throughout the organization. However, the system requires adjustments, management and specialized knowledge to be effective. Many organizations lack the resources to implement effective use of IDS/IPS solutions

IDPS services provide 24/7 security alerts, investigate and respond to possible security incidents. With Certified Engineers, we provide immediate and on-time assistance to enhance your team's IT security capabilities.


Most compliance goals require IDS or IPS capabilities (PCI, SOX, GLBA, HIPAA, etc.).

Protect the transportation system

Most environments are not able to manage all users' desktops. Customized security can create a solution architecture to stop the spread of malicious traffic from infected users while alerting security teams or attack administrators.

Loss of security

Extensive protection against known viruses (based on signatures), unknown (inaccuracies, and traffic protocols), zero-day attacks, Dos or DDos attacks.

IDPS On-Demand Service assists associations with securing against assaults that begin inside and outside of the system. With Security On-Demand's mixture administration conveyance model you appreciate:

Key Benefits: 

Security refreshes with current marks

Tuning and the executives

Incorporates all equipment, the board and upkeep

24 x 7 danger checking and reaction

Prompt coordination against distinguished assaults