Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What is the Difference Between the Two: Help Desk and Service Desk

As with most things in the IT world, there are no specific rules that vendors must follow when naming their software, and these two terms are often used for products that offer the same functionality.

So even if the name can give you a point of reference, it's important to understand each other's goals and use the case to understand the important differences.

While everyone's scope is somewhat defined by the ITIL framework, it doesn't offer more practical advice on how to find the differences and everything.

What is the help desk?

Helpdesk enables IT departments to respond to unexpected problems in the IT infrastructure or services they provide. The Help Desk is a response and is used to manage problems, allowing them to capture them, track them, and (hopefully) resolve them eventually. Help desk focused to facilitate communication between support staff and end-users and help resolve issues and take care of things every day.

What is the service desk?

The help desk can think of a more strategic sibling than a help desk, which can do everything the help desk does but allows you to plan, create, and deliver a variety of IT services. Instead of responding to problems when they arise, it enables a more strategic approach to IT service management and acts as a single point of contact (SPOC) for all IT functions.

Service desks typically include services such as a service catalog, which formalizes the processes and resources required to provide certain services and allows them to request internal customers such as end-users or IT staff.

In a service center environment, communication remains not only between end-users and IT but also between internal IT communications.

Service desks can be broad in scope and allow companies to provide support services to the entire organization, including managing corporate services, including human resources, facilities, accounting, or legal department. It can also include other activities such as managing and controlling changes in business processes or infrastructure (change management).

What is a ticket system or problem tracking system and how are they different?

Now we are gray. Sometimes this term is used to describe software that has the same function as a help desk, but usually, this solution is reimplemented and its main function is "bug tracking" or developing projects for software development. Is management.

This system can be used to record, track, and resolve problems reported by end-users, although on a larger scale they are generally not the best solution for setting up a help desk or help desk special. The lack of additional service-oriented features, such as a knowledge base, service level agreement (SLA), or customer satisfaction survey, makes it less efficient than help desk service software. desktop, and ultimately is less efficient and more effective at being edited and managed. It's difficult.

1 comment:

  1. I was confused in these two terms i.e. help desk and services desk, but this article provide me an amazing clarification about it.

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